AT&T Open Sources ECOMP to Linux Foundation →
Meanwhile, in Hell-Freezing-Over-News, AT&T (NYSE: T) has open sourced the company's network playbook to the Linux Foundation. Astonishing.
Pokémon, The Pikachu Infect →
News, via Dan Goodin, writing at ArsTechnica, tells the tale of a newly discovered Pokémon Go impostor application on the Google Play store. Oops...
Researchers from antivirus provider Eset report finding at least three such apps in the Google-hosted marketplace. - via Dan Goodin writing at ArsTechnica
Mustela Nigripes, Droned →
News, via The Washington Post, of efforts by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect American Blackfooted Ferrets (the single North American ferret genus) utilzing drone-delivered peanut-butter pellets laced with vaccine targeting the Plague.
The twist, as it were, is the pellet peanut-butter goodness - which is targeting Prairie Dogs one of the prime nutrient sources for the American Ferret, and not the genus Mustela Nigripes.
La Recherche
Quanta Magazine (an independent publication of the Simons Foundation) writer Stephen Ornes, regales us with the search for questions best suited for quantum computation. Phenomenal.
deGrasse Tyson, Rationalia
In which, the eponymous Dr. Tyson proposes a new government, with a succinct constitution...
Earth needs a virtual country: #Rationalia, with a one-line Constitution: All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) June 29, 2016
Android, The Weakening →
Agile Security, The Recalibration →
Proof, that Agile is dead? Did the demise of Agile Development take Rugged DevOps with it? You be the judge...
Fifty Percent
HelpNet Security tells the tale of malicous web advertising, calcualting a stunning figure: Fifty percent of all web advertising is now evil. Is it any wonder that ad blockers now number in the most popular applications used on both mobile and desktop systems?
Resistance , The Futility of
In one of the better thought pieces on nanotechnology, Stuart Nathan bends our minds around the acknowledgement of the notion that resistance is indeed futile - at least in regards to the Swarm.
Architecture, Information Security
Algorithm of War
In superbly crafted reportage published at The New York Times, Pam Belluck tells us of the efforts of a physicist at the University of Miami's Center for Computational Science, if you wil - Neil Jophnson, Ph.D., to predict - with algorithmical efficiency - the next move by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Read the study, and marvel at the power of mathematics.
Shite Happens
News (via the eponymous Ars Technica, and Dan Goodin), details the hijacking of the United States Federal Trade Commission's Chief Technologist Lorrie Cranor's phone number at a carrier's brick and mortar. Now that's Security (or the lack thereof)!
Google Voice, The Deletion
In which, Andrew Griffin, writing at The Independent, details the permanent deletion of personal messages on Google Voice. Something, heretofore, somewhat problematic...