Predict(able) →
via the eponymous Ira Winkler (President of Secure Mentem) comes this outstanding thought piece on security predictions - in this case, cybersecurity predictions. Today's Must Read!
Smart Is As - Smart Isn't, The Litany of Smart Meters →
Whom Done It →
In what wraps up to be a superbly crafted screed penned by Glenn Greenwald, laboring at The Intercept; in which, the Good Mr. Greewald details the perceived falsehoods swirling about the alleged Russian Intelligence Services hacks of the Burlington Vermont electrical generation utility. Today's Must Read.
AWS re:Invent 2016 - Manage Multiple AWS Accounts with AWS Organizations →
Grizz'd →
With the publishing of an exacting and erudite critique of the recent Joint Analysis Report on Grizzly Steppe Report, Robert M. Lee (of SANS and Dragos fame) has offered up targeted suggestions for improvement along with the always requisite critical eye for the truth.
If you read anything today on 'Grizzly Step' you ought to read the Critique as well. Enjoy.
One Chip to Protect Them All...
"The AWS-ECC508 is an add-on chip designed to make devices more secure—at least for developers using Amazon’s IoT cloud. Cloud services are an integral part of the Internet of Things, which is built around the concept of connected objects becoming ubiquitous in our environment, and which must therefore rely on large-scale computing infrastructure." - via IEEE's Spectrum Magazine contributor Stephen Cass