BSidesSF 2021: Recharge Day 3 → March 11, 2021 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSidesSF, Conferences, Education, Information Security, Cyber Security Many thanks to Security BSidesSF for publishing their outstanding conference videos on the organization's YouTube channel. Note: Each day of this superb multi-day conference contains several hours of context, hence the publication of a single day's video presentations totaling 3+ hours of content.
BSidesSF 2021: Recharge Day 2 → March 10, 2021 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSidesSF, Conferences, Education, Information Security, Cyber Security Many thanks to Security BSidesSF for publishing their outstanding conference videos on the organization's YouTube channel. Note: Each day of this superb multi-day conference contains several hours of context, hence the publication of a single day's video presentations totaling 4+ hours of content.
BSidesSF 2021: Recharge Day 1 → March 09, 2021 by Marc Handelman in BSides, Education, BSidesSF, Conferences, Information Security, Cyber Security Many thanks to Security BSidesSF for publishing their outstanding conference videos on the organization's YouTube channel. Note: Each day of this superb multi-day conference contains several hours of context, hence the publication of a single day's video presentations totaling 4+ hours of content.
BSides Las Vegas 2019 Day Two, Ground Floor August 11, 2019 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Las Vegas, Conferences, Education Many thanks to BSides Las Vegas for posting their remarkable conference on YouTube for all to see.
BSides Las Vegas 2019 Day Two, Proving Ground August 11, 2019 by Marc Handelman in BSides Las Vegas, BSides, Conferences, Education, Information Security Many thanks to BSides Las Vegas for posting their remarkable conference on YouTube for all to see.
BSides Las Vegas 2019 Day 2, Common Ground → August 10, 2019 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Las Vegas, Conferences, Education, Information Security Many thanks for BSides Las Vegas posting their remarkable conference on YouTube.
BSides Las Vegas 2019 Day 1, Breaking Ground August 10, 2019 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Las Vegas, Conferences, Education, Information Security Many thanks to BSides Las Vegas for posting their remarkable conference on YouTube for all to see.
BSides Cleveland 2018, Amanda Berlin's 'Hackers, Hugs, & Drugs: Mental Health In Infosec' → September 08, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, John Fatten's 'Anatomy of an Attack' → September 08, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Mark Abrams's 'Go Back To The Basics With Your Processes: Improving Operations Without Technology' → September 07, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Robert Olson's 'Evolving The Teaching Of Pen Testing In Higher Ed' → September 06, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides Cleveland, BSides, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Kevin Cody's 'Mobile Application Privacy And Analytics' → September 05, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides Cleveland, BSides, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Thomas Pieragastini's 'Interdisciplinary Infosec: Equifax, Individuation, And The Modern State' → September 04, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Jeremy Mio's 'Wacky And Wild Security - Getting Things Under CIS Controls V7' → September 03, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Jamie Murdock's 'The Marriage Of Threat Intelligence And Incident Response Or... Threat Hunting For The Rest of Us' → September 02, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides Cleveland, BSides, Conferences, Education, Information Security, Threat Intelligence, Incident Response, Threat Hunting Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Michael Mendez' 'Securing Code - The Basics' → September 02, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Matt Scheurer's 'Phishing Forensics - Is It Just Suspicious Or Is It Malicious?' → September 01, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security, Phishing Attacks
BSides Cleveland 2018, Jerod Brennen's 'Hacking Identity: A Pen Tester's Guide to IAM' → September 01, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).
BSides Cleveland 2018, Sam Nasr's 'Tools And Procedures For Securing .Net Applications' → August 31, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security
BSides Cleveland 2018, Michael Stringer's 'Raindance: Raining Recon From The Microsoft Cloud' → August 30, 2018 by Marc Handelman in BSides, BSides Cleveland, Conferences, Education, Information Security Videography Credit: Irongeek (Adrian Crenshaw).