Narcissim, On Display
Well wrought opinion piece eyeballing the narcissism of one Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden. Today's' Must Read.
Well wrought opinion piece eyeballing the narcissism of one Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden. Today's' Must Read.
Thomas Ricks' erudite take on the astonishing lack of Computer Science universities for the uniformed services here in the United States [and, interestingly, his advice on how to remediate the paucity of computer science educational opportunities for the uniformed services]. After all, there is a DoD Medical College, War Colleges, Officers Schools, Academies and the like, yet no focused computer science institutions...
Armed Forces Week, May 2014; in which, we as a Nation, display our Sincere Gratefulness, and Acknowledge our Indebtedness to our fellow citizens [and those who aspire to be citizens] in the United States Armed Forces for their astounding efforts to Protect Our Nation and Constitution.
Show your Appreciation to a Member of the Five Services for all they do - Soldiers, Airmen, Seamen, Marines and Guards - United States Army, United States Air Force, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps and the United States Coast Guard. Of course, they same sentiment goes for the members of our clandestine services, but you'll be hard pressed to find them!