USENIX Security '23 - Hoedur: Embedded Firmware Fuzzing using Multi-Stream Inputs →
Authors/Presenters: Tobias Scharnowski, Simon Wörner, Felix Buchmann, Nils Bars, Moritz Schloegel, Thorsten Holz
On Hiatus
On Hiatus Until Monday 20240408. Thank You
USENIX Security ’23 - Automata-Guided Control-Flow-Sensitive Fuzz Driver Generation →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - DDRace: Finding Concurrency UAF Vulnerabilities in Linux Drivers with Directed Fuzzing →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Zechao Cai, Jiaxun Zhu, Wenbo Shen, Yutian Yang, Rui Chang, Yu Wang, Jinku Li, Kui Ren - Demystifying Pointer Authentication on Apple M1 →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - XCheck: Verifying Integrity Of 3D Printed Patient-Specific Devices Via Computing Tomography →
Authors/Presenters:Zhiyuan Yu, Yuanhaur Chang, Shixuan Zhai, Nicholas Deily, and Tao Ju, XiaoFeng Wang, Uday Jammalamadaka, Ning Zhang
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Lukas Lamster, Martin Unterguggenberger, David Schrammel, and Stefan Mangard - HashTag: Hash-based Integrity Protection for Tagged Architectures →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Design Of Access Control Mechanisms In Systems-On-Chip With Formal Integrity Guarantees →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Jinwen Wang, Yujie Wang, Ao Li, Yang Xiao, Ruide Zhang, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou, Ning Zhang - ARI: Attestation of Real-time Mission Execution Integrity →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Yijie Bai, Yanjiao Chen, Hanlei Zhang, Wenyuan Xu, Haiqin Weng, Dou Goodman - VILLAIN: Backdoor Attacks Against Vertical Split Learning →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - ASSET: Robust Backdoor Data Detection Across a Multiplicity of Deep Learning Paradigms →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Cheng'an Wei, Yeonjoon Lee, Kai Chen, Guozhu Meng, Peizhuo Lv - Aliasing Backdoor Attacks on Pre-trained Models →
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - Sparsity Brings Vulnerabilities: Exploring New Metrics in Backdoor Attacks →
Authors/Presenters: Jianwen Tian, Kefan Qiu, Debin Gao, Zhi Wang, Xiaohui Kuang, Gang Zhaoa
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - A Data-Free Backdoor Injection Approach In Neural Networks →
Authors/Presenters: Peizhuo Lv, Chang Yue, Ruigang Liang, Yunfei Yang, Shengzhi Zhang, Hualong Ma, Kai Chen
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
USENIX Security ’23 - How The Great Firewall Of China Detects And Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic →
Authors/Presenters: Mingshi Wu, Jackson Sippe, Danesh Sivakumar, Jack Burg, Peter Anderson, Xiaokang Wang, Kevin Bock, Amir Houmansadr, Dave Levin, Eric Wustrow
Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.