The Geomagnetic Jerk
Superb explanatory post - via Julien Aubert from l’Institut de physique du globe de Paris (CNRS/IPGP/IGN/Université de Paris), and writing at CNRS - focusing on the phenom of geomagnetic jerks. Today's Must Read.
Image via Semantic Scholar
Superb explanatory post - via Julien Aubert from l’Institut de physique du globe de Paris (CNRS/IPGP/IGN/Université de Paris), and writing at CNRS - focusing on the phenom of geomagnetic jerks. Today's Must Read.
Image Credit: Imperial College London
via an Impact Lab post, in which, the astounding science of Imperial College London and Glasgow, Scotland, UK based M Squared combine for the possibility that we may soon possess the capability to arrive at our desired waypoints and caches through the utilization of a Quantum Compass - without the need for a satellite based positioning-system to enlighten our in-built curiosity for knowledge-of-place.
Are the days of GLONASS and GPS over? Is this merely an appropriation of geolocation processing with the assistance of a quantum accelerometer channeling data elements to a fundamentally stranger - in the quantum vernacular - platform - not subject to the vagaries of nation or space-borne detritus and political machinations? You be the judge.
"When the atoms are ultra-cold we have to use quantum mechanics to describe how they move, and this allows us to make what we call an atom interferometer", said Dr Joseph Cotter, a member of the Research Staff at The Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College, London, UK.
via the comic content delivery system known as Randal Munroe at XKCD!