Mythos of IPv6, It's Too New to be Attacked... →
More IPV6 myths exposed by ISOC's Deploy360 Director Chris Grundemann. This time focusing on the myth that IPv6 is too new to be attacked. Today's MustRead!
More IPV6 myths exposed by ISOC's Deploy360 Director Chris Grundemann. This time focusing on the myth that IPv6 is too new to be attacked. Today's MustRead!
Astoundingly, myths still arise in this epoch of science, strangely so, when dealing with new technologies [Read: new means new in the final two years of the last century as IPv4 was originally codified by the IETF in 1981, with the acceptance of RFC 791] - in this case the vaunted move to IPv6. Now, arising from the ashes of IPv4 exhaustion hysteria, comes a current popular myth surrounds the utilization NATs in IPv4 and the lack of a counterpart construct in IPv6.
This packet diagram describes an IPSec Tunnel in AH mode
Paul Wouters' [Mr. Wouters is currently employed at Red Hat] view on the use of IPSec... His post details the work of film-maker Laura Poitras [awarded the George Polk Award for National Security Reporting with Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskil] and security researcher Jacob Appelbaum [along with the collaboration of Der Speigel] in a presentation at the 31st Chaos Computer Club Congress. Today's' MustRead.